
I love exploring extreme things on Earth and other planets. From leading adventure-oriented college courses in remote places around the world to helping discover new planets orbiting other stars, I strive to learn something cool every day and to respect this wondrous world in which we live. I hope to inspire others to do the same.


I teach a wide variety of courses in Physics, Astronomy, and Environmental Studies.  My goal is to create awesome learning experiences for all students. I admit, awesome is a pretty high bar, but with so many amazing things to discover, it would be an injustice to settle for an ordinary education. An extraordinary learning experience has a much better chance of transforming students’ lives, no matter where they come from or where they are going…

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My scholarly activity spans the exciting fields of exoplanet discovery, planetary science, observational astronomy, and extreme weather and climate.

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“Wow! This is so cool!” These are some of my favorite words to hear. I love helping people of all ages connect with our fascinating natural world through star parties, public talks, and other public and media events.

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And More!

This section highlights some more cool stuff, service to Austin College, and a selection of awards and recognition.

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